We have been working with you to deliver updates that make your job easiser. With that, we are pleased to introduce our most recent update: Oasis and Web OPAC 2.70. 

The video turorials below demonstrate the new and updated features in Oasis and Web OPAC 2.70. Each feature is explained and briefly demonstrated in its own short clip. The video will act as a playlist, allowing you to skip or review individual clips by using the "Next" and "Previous" buttons on the bottom of the YouTube player. The clips are in the following order: 01 Intro + Dynamic Display, 02 Search by Range, 03 Materials Type Filter, 04 Comments/Ratings, 05 Transaction Pane, 06 Temporary Holding Record and 07 Batch Find/Replace.

Big thanks to Deborah Wells-Clinton, MLS, our wonderful library automation specialist for putting these together. 

We hope that you found these video tutorials helpful, please let us know if you have any questions or comments. And stay tuned, as we will continue to add more Video Tutorials moving forward.