Oasis 2.9.4 Updates and System Improvements

Oasis 2.9.4

September. 2014


Advanced Cataloging.

  1. The Find/Replace UI has been widened, and additional columns added to the results view. All columns are sortable, with the exception of Title in the holding display. For selected bibs and holdings, you can see the related records. All records can be edited


Catalog (Web OPAC).

  1. A Print_Holdings key in the Settings section of installation.xml has been implemented. The value will be On or Off. The default will be On. If the setting is Off, the holdings will not print in the printable format for Results or the Bookbag.
  2. An issue involving Online Resource availability color code has been addressed.
  3. Catalog no longer sends “Reserve” email on loaned or held items that are reserved. There are now separate emails for holds and reserves (item specific/pickup at different location).
  4. When switching the attribute selection, the Material Types and reading program ranges are no longer reset.
  5. Redundant “No Results” popup has been removed from Record Fetch results. The databases returning 0 records have been removed from the display.
  6. Clicking on the title now takes the user into Record Details.
  7. It is now possible to create database groups.
  8. Local cover preference in search results and details view has been implemented. If the record contains a 996#a, the local cover will display preferentially. Other records will use Syndetics or Google, if the setting is Syndetics or Local, respectively.
  9. There is a new option in the Z39.50 database configuration to strip 852 fields during a Record Fetch.
  10. Cover images no longer display in List and Compressed List formats.
  11. Databases that return 0 results are removed from the display on the Results page.
  12. Issues affecting deletion and viewing of bibliographies with apostrophes in the name have been addressed.



  1. The following filters have been added to Library Transactions: Grade, Teacher, and Home Room.
  2. Patron and Item search results layout has been changed to a tabular format. Columns are sortable. Large pictures are scaled down.
  3. The Printable View in Library Transactions has been converted to PDF format in order to address formatting issues and the "only the first page of Library Transactions (printable view) prints in Firefox" issue.
  4. The filename of the receipt PDF has been corrected from 'reciept.pdf' to 'receipt.pdf''.


Group Editor.

  1. The display has been widened.
  2. It is now possible to display 10, 20, or 50 groups per page.
  3. The sort order is maintained when returning to a sorted list from other functions.
  4. All columns are now sortable.
  5. The text of deleted records is red.
  6. A spinner has been implemented during searches and sorts.
  7. Vertical alignment of Oasis tabs has been corrected when the logo height is less than 100px.
  8. Clicking the Groups tab will return the user to the initial Group page.
  9. The datapager has been enhanced to support positioning within the result list.



  1. It is now possible to restrict the inventory by 852#a for unscoped data.
  2. Barcode sets can now be exported as text files.


Record Editor.

  1. Diacritical characters were not handled in the holding record created from saving the bibliographic record with new 852 field.
  2. Record Editor now updates Lexile information using a Lexile flat file containing the Lexile values for all supported titles.